My father briefly decide to venture into the great wide world of facial hair a few months ago. My mother and I, of course, hated it. We loathed it. We considered shaving him in his sleep. He finally decided to shave everything but one little "soul patch" under his bottom lip. Although we didn't like that either, it was a whole lot better than the strange, patchy forest that he was previously growing on his face. This brings us to the present...
As we're sitting around watching Dancing With he Stars (my money is on Kurt Warner for the win), my father looks over at my mother and I, and says, "
Ok, honest opinion. Should I shave this?" as he pointed at the little
brillo pad under his lip. My mother and I voted yes, unanimously. He then looks at us, completely serious and a little sad and says, "Really? You think it looks stupid?"
Now I feel a little bad... but he continues, "I thought it was kind of like a third eyebrow!" [Points to eyebrow to drive the point home. Smiles like a 2 year old. As if he's saying, aren't you guys with me on this?]
I almost peed.